Get online doctor certificates from the comfort of home

Skip the wait, manage your health from home! Our telehealth consultations offer a convenient way to connect with a doctor for medical certificates. (Bulk billing available for eligible patients - see our pricing page for details.)

man holding medical certificate

Medical Certificates: Your Passport to Health Exemptions

A medical certificate is a formal document issued by a qualified healthcare professional, usually a doctor or nurse practitioner, that states the patient's health condition or status. These certificates often serve as evidence to support claims or requests for exemptions or accommodations, particularly in educational and workplace, settings.

Who Can Get an Online Medical Certificate?
Anyone can obtain a medical certificate, regardless of age or health condition. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if a certificate is necessary or appropriate for your specific situation. Bulk billing may be available for patients who are experiencing homelessness, or if a carers leave certificate if being issued for a patient under 12 months of age.

What is a Medical Certificate Used For?
Medical certificates are commonly used for:
School Absences: When a student is unable to attend school due to illness or injury.
Workplace Absences: To justify time off work due to health reasons.
Travel: To obtain travel insurance or accommodations, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions.
Exemptions: To request exemptions from certain activities or requirements, such as physical education or vaccinations.

Important Considerations:
It's generally advisable to seek a medical certificate promptly after becoming ill or injured. We are unable to backdate online certificates.

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