Bulk Billed Online Doctor
Affordable Telehealth Consultations
Teldoc offers bulk billing and Medicare rebates for telehealth consultations for patients with the following health conditions. Conditions not listed are not eligible for bulk billing or Medicare rebate. See FAQ for more details.

Are you experiencing homelessness? We offer bulk billed appointments for homeless patients.
Speak to one of our compassionate online doctors to assist with your health. We offer a variety of medical services to help you from where ever you are.
Gap fee:
- Concession holder - $0
- Non concession -$28 weekends

Seeking medical advice for your baby? We offer Bulk Billing for babies under 12 months of age.
Babies often get sick, and new parents understandably worry if something changes in their little ones. Consult with one of our doctors for free from the comfort of home.
Gap fee:
- Concession holder - $0
- Non concession - $0
Must hold a valid Medicare card.

Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or another mental health concern?
Our experienced doctors can create a personalised Mental Health Care Plan for you. This plan connects you with a psychologist and provides Medicare rebates to help cover the cost of your therapy sessions. Bulk Billing available for concession holders.
Gap fee:
- Concession holder - $0
- Non concession - $40

> 20 minutes
Get confidential support for mental health concerns online.
Don't struggle alone. Get confidential telehealth support for anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. Our doctors can offer consultations, treatments, and referrals to specialists when needed.
Gap fee:
- Concession holder - $0
- Non concession - $40

Get confidential sexual health advice and treatment from our online doctors.
Discreet online consultations & treatment for STIs, ED, contraception & more.
Medicare rebates may apply.
Gap fee:
- Concession holder - $0
- Non concession
- $28 weekdays
- $48 weekends

Get antinatal and postnatal support during and after your pregnancy.
Telehealth supportive care in pregnancy and after birth, to arrange scans, blood tests, referrals and more.
Medicare rebates may apply.
Gap fee:
- Concession holder - $0
- Non concession
- $28 weekdays
- $48 weekends

Bulk Billing and Medicare Rebates in Australia
Bulk billing is a system in Australia where healthcare providers, charge no out-of-pocket fees to patients. Instead, they claim the full Medicare rebate from the government. This means that patients pay nothing for the service. In order to bulk bill a telehealth item, normally the patient would need to have seen the doctor or clinic in person within the last 12 months. There are some exemptions as outlined below. Teldoc offers bulk billing for these exemptions for patients with Medicare and Concession card.
What is a Medicare Rebate?A Medicare rebate is a government subsidy that helps cover the cost of healthcare services. When you see doctor and pay a private fee, Medicare may be able to reimburse a portion of the service, meaning you pay a Gap. The exemptions for receiving a rebate from Medicare for Telehealth are the same as for Bulk Billing.
Exemptions to the Established Clinical Relationship Rule for Bulk Billing Telehealth Items- Homelessness: If a patient is experiencing homelessness, they can receive bulk billed telehealth services without a prior in-person consultation.
- Babies: Patients who are under 12 months of age can receive bulk billed telehealth services.
- Sexual Health: Patients addressing care for sexual health, such as STI testing or treatment, or for erectile disfunction, contraception, and more, are eligible for bulk billed telehealth services without a prior in-person consultation.
- Mental Health: Mental health Plans and Consultations lasting over 20 minutes are able to be bulk billed without a prior in person appointment.
Please note: These are general guidelines, and specific eligibility criteria may change with time. Teldoc offers Bulk billing for the above conditions for patients with Medicare and Concession cards. Medicare rebates are available for patients with the above conditions without concession cards.